Friday, October 13, 2006

Recognize and tribute those who’ve experienced domestic violence

By Personal Development Center, 384-2971

October is domestic violence awareness month—a time to recognize and pay tribute to the survivors of domestic abuse. They have overcome incredible barriers in order to find safety and a path to happiness for themselves and their children. We also remember those who lost their lives at the hands of their abuser.

So far this year we have been bombarded by headlines of the violent deaths in our area. This demonstrates how widespread the problem is and the seriousness of the crimes.

A pregnant woman was murdered by her abusive partner—a violent death, having a glass candy dish shoved down her throat.

The effects of domestic violence have a high cost: in human lives and impact in our community.

The Personal Development Center continues to feel the effects of the influx of domestic violence in the communities we serve. Through the second quarter of this year, the North Wood DV Program has served 245 victims of domestic violence through our crisis and transitional services, which is up 40 people from this time last year.

The Clark County Outreach Program has served 53 participants this year, which is an increase of 37.

We continue to be saddened by the stories of domestic violence victims and their children who live in fear in homes plagued by power, control and violence. Yet we are continually amazed by the strength and determination of the survivors who are able to find their way to safety and can begin to rebuild their lives. Their success is truly an inspiration to all of us and helps us continue our mission to create a community where violence has no place.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dr. Phil references 2-1-1

Exciting news for United Way's 2-1-1.

Dr. Phil was working with guests who are working their way out of debt. Dr. Phil announced United Way's 2-1-1 as a country-wide resource for people looking for community information.

Follow this link to check out Dr. Phil's guests and other money-managing and debt control links. This reference is a great opportunity to let our nation know about their free, confidential inforamtion and referral number.