We need your help.
The 2009 Marshfield Area United Way campaign, which ends December 31, has raised $818,355. Current totals, plus projections of campaigns in progress, will allow United Way programs to serve 87 percent of what was served last year. In order to serve the remaining 1,700 people, United Way needs to raise an additional $43,000.
Many individuals and families are struggling. You have the power to feed a hungry family, help an elderly woman stay in her home and comfort a scared child.
Visit United Way's Web site or Facebook page to watch our Give 5, Tell 5 video.
Please Give today, and then send this video link to 5 friends and ask them to do the same.
If you have given already, we thank you for your generosity. Share this video with 5 friends, and tell them why United Way is important to you.
Send contributions to Marshfield Area United Way, PO Box 771, Marshfield WI 54449.
Call United Way at 384-9992 for credit card donations.
Contributions to the campaign provide vital funding to local programs that work in our community. If campaign totals aren’t more than projected numbers, program funding levels will decrease. What this means is tough decisions for programs already stretching tight budgets.
Without enough contributions to the campaign, programs wouldn't have the resources to assist as many people who are seeking help. This means fewer residents receiving hot meals because they won't be able to afford them without the Home Delivered Meals scholarship funded by United Way.
Tight program budgets also increases the safety risk for victims of domestic violence. The first thing Personal Development Center would eliminate is gas or food cards. Without means for transportation or a means to start over, it's a real possibility that residents would stay in the home with their abuser.
These are only two examples of hard decisions the 37 funded programs would have to make if individuals do not continue to give to the campaign.
It puts into perspective what difficult times we live in. And it makes it important that residents and businesses that have the ability to give, to make a contribution that fits within their budget.
Give 5, Tell 5. Visit United Way's Web site or Facebook page to watch the video and share it with friends.