You can help bring smiles to hundreds of children and youth from the Marshfield area by collecting supplies. Monetary donations welcome; checks payable to Marshfield Area United Way.
Collect supplies August 1 -12. Supplies can be taken to the following drop off locations: Associated Bank-Chestnut, Century 21 Realty, Heritage Bank-Marshfield, M&I Bank, MACCI, Target or United Way, 156 South Central Avenue, Marshfield.
If you receive free or reduced lunch or are experiencing a financial hardship call 715-384-9992 to register to receive supplies. Registered families will receive a post card at the end of August when backpacks are available for pick up.
Backpacks are distributed to students in grades Kindergarten to eighth grade from Auburndale, Marshfield, Pittsville, Spencer and Stratford.
This city-wide drive is coordinated by the Marshfield Area United Way and the Marshfield Clinic’s Center for Community Outreach.
For more information call 715-384-9992 or visit
Suggested supplies:
1 Plain Backpack
1 Pack Crayons (24)
12” Ruler (Centimeters/Inches)
1 Pack Colored Pencils
1 Large Box Kleenex
4 Pocket Folders
5 Glue Sticks
2 Red Pen/Pencils
1 Highlighter (Yellow)
1 Bottle of Glue
1 Pack Magic Markers (Washable)
2 Packs Loose-Leaf Paper (White/Wide-Ruled)
4 Wide Rule Spiral Notebooks
10-12 No. 2 Pencils (No Eversharps)
1 Fiskars Scissors
2 Large Erasers
1 Crayon Box or Zippered Fabric Pencil Pouch
1 Box Ziploc Bags (Quart or Gallon)
1 Pack Clorox Wipes
1 Protractor
1 Pack Crayons (24)
12” Ruler (Centimeters/Inches)
1 Pack Colored Pencils
1 Large Box Kleenex
4 Pocket Folders
5 Glue Sticks
2 Red Pen/Pencils
1 Highlighter (Yellow)
1 Bottle of Glue
1 Pack Magic Markers (Washable)
2 Packs Loose-Leaf Paper (White/Wide-Ruled)
4 Wide Rule Spiral Notebooks
10-12 No. 2 Pencils (No Eversharps)
1 Fiskars Scissors
2 Large Erasers
1 Crayon Box or Zippered Fabric Pencil Pouch
1 Box Ziploc Bags (Quart or Gallon)
1 Pack Clorox Wipes
1 Protractor
Optional: One-Inch 3-Ring Binder or 1 Pack Wet Wipes