United Way’s 2-1-1 is a valuable community program that has helped thousands of callers find the resources or referrals they needed in just one phone call.
United Way’s 2-1-1 is a three digit number you can dial on your phone or cell phone and receive free and confidential information and referral to your community questions. It is available 24/7. Commonly asked questions range from “I cannot pay my utility bill – who can help?” to “I need help caring for my loved one with dementia.”
Last year, United Way’s 2-1-1 received 6,817 calls for information and referral and the top needs for 2011 were: electric service payment assistance, rent payment assistance, information about food pantries, low income/subsidized private rental housing and heating fuel payment assistance.
You can participate in United Way’s 2-1-1 several different ways.
· If you have a family member or friend who is having a difficult time, you can advocate for them and dial 2-1-1 to see what resources are available.
· If you are part of a non-profit organization, religious entity or government agency who provides health or human service programs to the public, contact 2-1-1 to be added to our database.
· You can call and request free 2-1-1 materials (posters, fact cards, magnets, etc.) and put them on display where you work or at your church.
· You can sign up for the “Get Connected Get Answers” Blog at www.unitedways211.blogspot.com to stay informed about local events, support groups, conferences, classes and updates in your community.
· You can visit our website at www.getconnected211.org and download helpful guides such as the “Help for Hard Times Guides.
· You can also volunteer for United Way’s 2-1-1, and help with data entry and answering phone calls.
In addition to connecting callers to local resources, United Way’s 2-1-1 also tracks caller needs and uses that information to analyze trends, such as identifying gaps in services. This information can be used to help make program funding decisions.
For more information, contact United Way’s 2-1-1 by dialing the three digit number 2-1-1 or by calling 715-423-0211.