Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Free Tax Preparation Assistance Available

Filing your income taxes at the beginning of each year can be exciting, that is, if you are lucky enough to give your bank account a little boost by receiving a refund from the federal and/or state government. Tax time can also give you a headache. And with the recent political issues, such as, the fiscal cliff, attempting to save yourself some extra money by filing your own taxes, can become quite confusing. This Spring will mark fifth year volunteers will be offering their services and time to help individuals prepare their personal income taxes free of charge.

Almost every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from February 11, 2013, to April 10, 2013, trained volunteers will assist senior citizens with filing their homestead credit and also help individuals with an annual gross income less than $58,000 a year file their state and federal income taxes. Volunteers are able to assist with personal income taxes only. They are unable to prepare farm or rental income, health savings account deduction, etc.

If you are interested in receiving help with your taxes or have any questions about the services offered, please call Marshfield Area United Way at 715-384-9992 to schedule an appointment. No walk-ins will be accepted. At the time of your appointment, please bring the following items with you:
           A picture ID and social security card.
           Copy of your 2011 Homestead Credit or Federal & State Tax Return
           Medical/Dental Insurance Premium
           Pension statements
           Any W-2’s related to employment
           Any 1099’s related to interest and/or dividends
           SSA-1099 Social Security Benefit statement
           Property tax bill or rent certificate

These services are offered by: AARP, the City of Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department, Cellcom, and Marshfield Area United Way.