Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Have you given to this year's Marshfield Area United Way Campaign? No?...

In today's world, a dollar doesn’t buy much anymore, but when your dollar is going to Marshfield Area United Way it is making a difference.

Here is what giving just $1 a week can buy at United Way. Your donation of $1 per week…

  • Is enough to provide a weekly supplemental (weekend) food pack to one child that is facing food insecurity in his/her home. 
  • Will provide supportive services to one family with a disabled child through the Child Disability Resource Center. 
  •  Will allow a child participate in a sport/activity that promotes health and well-being through a Right To Play For All Scholarship. 
  •  Supports early childhood literacy by providing a book to a child during his/her well-child visit. 
  •  Provides one day of food for a family of four through Soup Or Socks food pantry. 
  •  Gives 2 area youth the opportunity to participate in Boys Scouts or Girl Scouts.

These are just a few of the ways your generosity is making an impact in the lives of thousands of individuals in our area. To learn more about United Way’s work and the work of its funded partners please visit, www.marshfieldareaunitedway.org and click on “Our Work.”

Please be generous and give today. Any donation, no matter it size, is helping make a difference right here in the Marshfield community. You can give through your workplace campaign, online at www.marshfieldareaunitedway.org, or by mailing your donation to PO Box 771, Marshfield, WI, 54449.

Marshfield Area United Way’s service area includes the city of Marshfield and these surrounding communities: Arpin, Auburndale, Chili, Granton, Greenwood, Loyal, Neillsville, Pittsville, Spencer and Stratford.