Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Volunteers Are The Heartbeat of Marshfield Area United Way

Some of our smallest but mightiest volunteers on Make A Difference Day.

In order to operate year-round, Marshfield Area United Way relies heavily on the support of hundreds of volunteers throughout the year. From the governing Board of Directors to the committee of individuals who decide ho
w your generous contributions will be distributed, volunteer community members help United Way leverage resources to do the most good and address our community's most pressing human service needs.

Our small United Way staff (2.5 employees) certainly wouldn't be able to successfully execute the annual fall campaign without the generosity of volunteers. Every year, Campaign Drive Chairs make the commitment to volunteer their time and their voice to lead that year's United Way campaign, while volunteer employees from numerous companies city-wide take on additional duties every fall to represent United Way during their company's workplace campaign, acting as an advocate and facilitator for our organization. Marshfield Area United Way also uses volunteers to help with fundraising events throughout the year. These volunteers play an integral part of making sure the events run smoothly.

Thank you to all the individuals involved with the following United Way committees and efforts throughout the year:
  • Board of Directors
  • Community Impact Committee Members
  • Finance Committee Members
  • Campaign Committee Members
  • Campaign Volunteers
  • Employee Campaign Coordinators
  • Special Event (5K for United Way, Wipeout) Volunteers
Marshfield Area United Way has year-round initiatives that are volunteer-based as well. Our greatest appreciation goes out to everyone who helps with the following United Way initiatives: the Annual Backpack & School Supply Drive, Make a Difference Day, the Tax Preparation Assistance program, the Volunteer Reception Center Response team, and the scores of businesses, organizations, and individuals (and they are too many to list by name) who make the weekly implementation of the Nutrition On Weekends program possible:

Thank you to the 2014 Leadership Marshfield group who helped and continue to help with the organization of the NOW program and scheduling of volunteers.

Volunteer Businesses, Organizations, and Groups:
  • Alternative High School students and staff
  • Marshfield Door Systems employees
  • Youth Group - First Presbyterian Church
  • Festival Foods employees
  • City of Marshfield employees
  • V&H Truck employees
  • Associated Bank staff
  • Forward Financial Bank employees
  • Wipfli staff
  • Marshfield Clinic employees
  • Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital staff
  • MCIS employees
  • Prince Corporation employees
  • United Way's Women's Group members
  • 4H group members
  • Girl Scouts members
  • Gosse Chiropractic
  • Heritage Bank - Marshfield and Spencer
  • Burnstad's Market
  • United Methodist Church (Spencer)
  • Granton Rotary Club
  • Roger's Grocery
  • School District of Marshfield
  • School District of Spencer
  • School District of Granton
A special thank you to the countless people who have donated food items for the program, to Rotary Winter Wonderland for the donations of peanut butter & jelly, and to Nasonville Dairy for their weekly donation of cheese for the children.

This all amounts to hundreds of volunteers and thousands of hours of time donated by individuals, groups, businesses and community leaders who care about our community. The appreciation United Way has for all these efforts to make the Marshfield area a better place to live is too much to express with words.

Humbly, graciously, "thank you all."

Monday, December 15, 2014

What Your Gift to United Way Means...

Most of us (me included) have more than we need.  I mean way more than we need.  Clothes, shoes, household goods, kitchen gadgets, and just plain stuff, and we spend time and energy and money trying to better store and organize it so we can get even more stuff.  For many people our happiness is tied to our things and acquiring new things.  The older I get the more that realize I really do have everything I need, and the longer I work at United Way I’m sure of it.   

You see at United Way we regularly work with individuals and families that truly don’t have enough.  Enough income, food, clothes, healthy relationships, skills, support and the list goes on.  There is something very humbling about looking into someone’s eyes or talking to someone on the phone as they share their personal story.  There is no better feeling than being able to connect that person to a United Way funded program that can help.  I am ALWAYS grateful when that connection is made. 

One such connection was last spring when a young woman and her daughter walked into our office.  When I asked her how I could help her, her eyes filled with tears and she said she needed help because she needed to leave a bad relationship and she didn’t know where to go.  She and I took a walk out the back door and down the block to Personal Development Center.  As a supporter of United Way, YOU made this connection possible.  Your gift means help.  It is food, shelter, warm clothes and counseling for a child who has been abused.  It is a resource for parents with disabled children and safety for families living in violence and so much more.  Please give to this year’s United Way campaign, 15,000 people in our community will be grateful.