Monday, February 18, 2008

Volunteers are the Heart of our Community

The value of volunteering was instilled in me by my Mother. I will be honest, in the beginning I didn’t want to help out by volunteering. We were volunteering for our Church and generally Mom signed me up to work with her. In most cases I made my reservations very clear. She once said “if you want to be a part of this Church and reap its benefits then you have to support it.” At the time I never knew how much of an impact it would have on me. In the end when it came right down to it, I enjoyed everything she signed me up for. And she was right, I got a warm fun fuzzy feeling when I volunteered.

Before long I began volunteering on my own in my high school years and into adulthood. I am now signing up my own children to work at the same soup suppers, at the same church, and yes, telling them the same thing my mother told me. It is my hope that I can pass on to them the personal value and importance my Mother gave to me. She had a beautiful point. No matter what you belong to or where you live, you are a member of a community and it is important to volunteer your time to support it.

Volunteers are the life blood of a community. There are many wonderful activities volunteers take part in everyday. They help many organizations, schools, churches function with daily tasks and special events. Whether you volunteer with your family, or alone, you are driving community results and making an impact in those you serve. The benefits of volunteers are really immeasurable and yes, priceless.

Take some time to think of people you know who help this community or an organization be. Many of them are your family, friends, co-workers or the person who is always volunteering at your organizations events. Please take the time to thank them and help the Marshfield Area United Way, Volunteer Center and the Marshfield News Herald by nominating these outstanding individuals and groups for Volunteer of the Year.

Marshfield area volunteers are the heart of our community making an impact everyday. Nominated volunteers will be recognized at our 12th Annual Volunteer of the Year Recognition Event, Tuesday, April 1, at the Marshfield Eagles from 4 – 5:30 p.m. Together we can say thanks and relish in the joy of being a community that is rich with people who care! Nomination forms and criteria are in today’s paper. You can also find it at: or call 384-9992. Written nominations must be received by 4 p.m., Tuesday, March 11, 2008.

Contributed by: Sarah Krenn, Community Impact/Volunteer Center Coordinator