Monday, February 14, 2011

Volunteer Monday! Top 10 Reasons to check out Leadership Link

Never volunteered for a community program before?  There are literally hundreds of programs throughout our area, where do you start to find the ones who need help?   

Marshfield Area United Way’s Leadership Link does the leg work for you.

Leadership Link connects you to nonprofits and public task forces with open committee and board positions.  Lend your professional skills and passions to a variety of organizations who need help.  

Don’t think you have the time or energy?  Think again!

1.     It doesn't have to take a lot of time. 
2.     You can learn something new. 
3.     It saves, and stretches resources. 
4.     You get to be around motivated, passionate people. 
5.     It strengthens our community. 
6.     You get a chance to give back. 
7.     It can brighten your day. 
8.     You can change someone's life. 
9.     It opens your eyes to the community around you.
10. You see the impact of your good work!

Now that you have reasons why to volunteer on committees or the board of directors of nonprofits, here are some opportunities for you to try.

Board Members
Hannah Center 
Pathway Partners Mentoring Program
Personal Development Center, Inc.
Soup Or Socks

Committee Members
Companion Day Services, Inc. (Adult Day Care) fund raising
Marshfield Area Community Foundation – public relations 
Marshfield Area United Way – Campaign and Finance Committee
Pathway Partners – recruitment, personnel and sustainability
Soup Or Socks – public relations and fund raising

Click here to find out more information about the above organizations and their openings.  

Calling all nonprofits, organizations and task forces!  Do you have open positions?  Post them on Leadership Link.

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