Monday, February 28, 2011

Volunteer Monday! Spring Food Drives

Soup or Socks is looking for a group of people, youth or adult or combination of both to help with our spring food drives. 

The group would be responsible for moving the boxes of food that have been checked and packed into our storage area for the food pantry. We have carts and hand trucks available. There is some lifting involved. 

Depending on the size of the group, this would take approximately 1 hour.

# volunteers requested 
Apr 16, 2011
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

May 14, 2011
05:30 PM - 06:00 PM

May 18, 2011
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Contact Person:
Cheryl Lewis Hartl, 387-1796

Friday, February 18, 2011

Use community resources to get over the winter blahs

Are you tired of winter? It seems that every one that I talk to is ready for spring.  While I think that snow can be beautiful, I am less of a fan of the slush and the bitter cold that often goes along with a Wisconsin winter.  By the time February rolls around I am ready for a change in my routine to help me get through the last few weeks of winter.  If you are looking to add something new to your routine I have a few suggestions.  

Try volunteering.  There are numerous groups and organizations in our community that depend on volunteers.  Volunteering can be a one-time event or an ongoing commitment.  You can volunteer by yourself or involve your friends, co-workers or family members in a group opportunity.  

In the winter volunteers are particularly needed by many organizations since many regular volunteers head to warmer climates.  One source of volunteer opportunities is our website: and click Volunteer.  Also, Volunteer Monday! is a feature on Facebook and Twitter the first and third Monday of the month that focuses on volunteer tips or highlights opportunities.  

My family recently volunteered with Home Delivered Meals.  While it was a cold and snowy day as we were delivering the meals, we felt warm and sunny knowing we had taken a little bit of time out of our day to help someone else.

Support the events of local organizations.  Almost every weekend in the Marshfield area there are some great fundraising events.  These events range from family events like Bowl for Kids Sake, to pancake breakfasts, auctions and even shopping opportunities.  There is no shortage of events that are both fun and help support worthwhile organizations.

Plan your garden.  I know nothing helps me take a brief respite from winter like a seed catalog.  I love planning what I will plant in my garden.  Part of my planning also includes what additional vegetables I will plant to donate to a local food pantry.  These donations help our food pantries stretch their limited budget.  

Integrate a few of these events and activities in your routine to get you through the last few weeks of the winter blues.  It will brighten your day and make your community a better place.

For more information and ways to get you through the winter visit, or or call 715-384-9992.

Paula Jero, Executive Director of Marshfield Area United Way can be contacted at

Monday, February 14, 2011

Volunteer Monday! Top 10 Reasons to check out Leadership Link

Never volunteered for a community program before?  There are literally hundreds of programs throughout our area, where do you start to find the ones who need help?   

Marshfield Area United Way’s Leadership Link does the leg work for you.

Leadership Link connects you to nonprofits and public task forces with open committee and board positions.  Lend your professional skills and passions to a variety of organizations who need help.  

Don’t think you have the time or energy?  Think again!

1.     It doesn't have to take a lot of time. 
2.     You can learn something new. 
3.     It saves, and stretches resources. 
4.     You get to be around motivated, passionate people. 
5.     It strengthens our community. 
6.     You get a chance to give back. 
7.     It can brighten your day. 
8.     You can change someone's life. 
9.     It opens your eyes to the community around you.
10. You see the impact of your good work!

Now that you have reasons why to volunteer on committees or the board of directors of nonprofits, here are some opportunities for you to try.

Board Members
Hannah Center 
Pathway Partners Mentoring Program
Personal Development Center, Inc.
Soup Or Socks

Committee Members
Companion Day Services, Inc. (Adult Day Care) fund raising
Marshfield Area Community Foundation – public relations 
Marshfield Area United Way – Campaign and Finance Committee
Pathway Partners – recruitment, personnel and sustainability
Soup Or Socks – public relations and fund raising

Click here to find out more information about the above organizations and their openings.  

Calling all nonprofits, organizations and task forces!  Do you have open positions?  Post them on Leadership Link.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog, Enews Launched on 2-1-1 Day

Wisconsin Rapids Mayor Mary Jo Carson and Marshfield Mayor Chris Meyer have officially proclaimed February 11, 2011 “United Way’s 2-1-1 Day” in their cities.

To celebrate, United Way’s 2-1-1 is launching the “Get Connected.  Get Answers. Blog” to connect residents to community resources, upcoming events, trainings and more.  At the blog, found at, residents and professionals of the 14 county service area can view a calendar of events, share resources and receive real time updates by subscribing to the RSS Feed.

In conjunction with the 2-1-1 Blog, the current 2-1-1 Resources List Serve will become a free monthly e-newsletter to highlight the calendar of events and share more information about 2-1-1 call trends and service area programs.  Members of the current list serve will be automatically subscribed to the monthly e-newsletter, and when the number of subscribers reaches 211, United Way’s 2-1-1 will hold a drawing and give away a gift basket filled with prizes!  The winner will be drawn from blog and email subscribers.

United Way’s 2-1-1 is a free and confidential three digit number you can dial to receive information and referrals to local community resources.  It is available 24/7.  Commonly asked questions range from “I have something to donate – what agencies are taking donations?” to “I’m going to get laid off soon and I’m worried about my family’s finances.”

In 2010, United Way’s 2-1-1 received a total of 5,638 calls.  Some of the top needs for the year were rental payment assistance, electric service/energy/heating fuel payment assistance, financial assistance, and inquiries about the Aging and Disability Resource Center.  In 2009, United Way’s 2-1-1 received 4,262 calls.

“There are lots of ways to celebrate 2-1-1 Day,” said Cynthia Brundage, United Way’s 2-1-1 Program Director.  “You can request free materials - like posters, magnets and fact cards - and distribute them at work, church or any other organization you are involved in.  You can visit our Website at and learn more about 2-1-1, download some free directories, or access our online database of community resources,” said Brundage.

“You can also volunteer for United Way’s 2-1-1,” said Brundage.  “We are looking for people to help out in the call center, or to help distribute materials in the 14 counties the call center covers.”

“Or, if you have a friend, family member or neighbor who is going through a difficult time,” said Brundage, “you can dial 2-1-1 and speak to a resource specialist.  Our staff is trained to help you navigate the multitude of resources that are out there, and find a starting point.”

Not only does United Way’s 2-1-1 offer information and referral, but it is involved in many collaborative efforts and community initiatives, offering information about local trends. 

“United Way’s 2-1-1 can also be a very useful tool in getting the word out,” said Brundage.  “Agencies and programs that need to get out a lot of information in a timely fashion can contact us, provide us with information and promote us as the contact.  Stuff the School Bus is an excellent example of this.”

Any non-profit organization, religious entity or government agency who provides health or human services to the public can have information added to United Way’s 2-1-1 Database.  Once in the database, information is updated annually or when requested by a provider of service.  Additionally, the Get Connected Get Answers Blog and e-newsletter is a way to send/receive information about local events and other information that does not fit the traditional mold.

“Learning more about our communities is one way to ‘advocate’… and to LIVE UNITED!” said Brundage.  “We encourage you to get to know this valuable resource in our communities.”

About United Way’s 2-1-1

United Way’s 2-1-1 is a non-profit organization based in south Wood County and is governed collaboratively between United Way of Inner Wisconsin and Marshfield Area United Way.  The 2-1-1 call center serves Wood, Adams, Juneau, Clark, Taylor, Rusk, Price, Barron, Sawyer, Washburn, Burnett, Ashland, Bayfield and Iron Counties.

Breakfast Buffet Fundraiser Sunday 2/13

Put down the frying pan this Sunday morning--instead head over to Marshfield Eagles (1104 S. Oak Ave, Marshfield) from 8 a.m. to noon for the all you can eat breakfast buffet.  Tickets are $6.50-Adults, $3.75-Children 4-12 and Free for children 4-years-old and younger.

This fundraiser supports Pathway Partners Mentoring Program.

Pathway Partners is a United Way funded program.  For more information click here.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bowl For Kids Sake Coming in March

Lace up your bowling shoes to help a local program!

Bowl For Kids Sake
Sunday, March 20th, 2011
Rose Bowl Lanes Marshfield

Team Entry Fee: $50 (Includes Shoes)
Registration: 11:30 A.M.
Bowling: Noon - 3 P.M.
To Register Your Team Or Sponsor A Lane, Contact
Big Brothers Big Sisters At 715.387.6198
Rose Bowl Lanes At 715.387.1114
Those involved with Big
Brothers Big Sisters
impact lives.

●Youth are impacted through
one-to-one mentoring relationships.
●Volunteers are impacted by knowing
they mentored a child.
●Donors are impacted by knowing they
are making a sound investment with a
proven return.

A United Way Partner Program