Monday, April 22, 2013

"42" Proves One Person Can Do So Much

 “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” Kalu Kalu

This past week I went to the movie theatre to see “42.” As a lifelong fan of baseball, I was interested in learning more about Jackie Robinson and what he did for the game of baseball. I had known about the impact he had on racial integration in Major League Baseball back in the 1940s but the bigger story, for me, was the impact he had and still has on society. 

Jackie Robinson, to me, was a man of integrity, incredible strength and courage. He would not allow himself to be defeated against the many, many people who worked against racial equality in the game of baseball and in nearly every facet of his life. The change that one man pioneered, for decades beyond his own lifetime, is inspiring and humbling. 

The film got me thinking about the impact and difference one person can make in this world, without possibly understanding the magnitude his or her actions can have on people, of all ages, including themselves. So with this, I challenge you to channel your inner Jackie Robinson and make a difference, whether it’s in your own life or in the lives of others. 

April is National Volunteer Month. You can make a difference in just one afternoon, or one day, or for possibly weeks and months to come. You could take an afternoon to help stock shelves at a food pantry, offer your expertise and experience to a local organization, or even become a mentor to a child. There are a variety of opportunities in the Marshfield area and I encourage you to visit our volunteer center ( to see if there may be something you are passionate about.

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