Thursday, December 05, 2013

Time To Make A Difference

Late. Not a word that typically makes anyone happy. Bosses don’t appreciate employees being late for work. Expecting mothers aren’t usually too excited about their newborn child deciding to arrive late. And we all know how companies feel when you don’t pay a bill on time. But late, in this circumstance, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The annual community campaign at Marshfield Area United Way is embracing the thought that the campaign is running a little late this year. The fact is, this means there is still time to make a contribution to this year’s campaign. It’s never too late to help make a difference. Any donation, large or small, does matter, so please consider investing in our community today. Your donation will support crucial community programs in the coming year that will help make the Marshfield area a better place to live. Here are just some of the ways your gift made a difference in our community last year:

Last year, with your help, 12,149 people received services in Marshfield and ten surrounding communities. Last year, because you care about your community, 303 seniors were able to remain living independently in their home through the help of United Way programs and 2310 people facing crisis had their basic needs met. Last year, 1218 books were distributed through the Reach Out and Read program, promoting early childhood literacy and 735 backpacks with supplies were distributed to area students. Last year, your investment helped provide mentorships to 4052 area children and youth.

Marshfield Area United Way’s annual community campaign is currently at fifty-five percent of the $900,000 goal set by the Board of Directors to meet our community’s health and human service needs in 2014. Your tax-deductible donation can be mailed to: Marshfield Area United Way, PO Box 771, Marshfield, WI, 54449 or dropped off at the United Way office located at 156 S Central Avenue. A secure donation may also be made online. Simply visit and click on “Give Now.”

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