Have you had a community information question that you just couldn’t find the answer to? How many phone books did you page through? You could save all that time, just by dialing 2-1-1.
United Way’s First Call 2-1-1 celebrates its first anniversary, November 1, 2006. Residents of Adams, Clark and Wood Counties are connecting to answers by dialing this simple, easy to remember number any time of day, every day of the week.
Since rollout 2-1-1 has received 2,225 calls, up from 1,378 from last year, helping people get the information they need about health and human service programs in their community. Every call is free and confidential. When you dial 2-1-1 you will speak to a trained information and referral specialist who can help you break down the situation and find the answers you need.
Available 24 hours a day, everyday—2-1-1 provides benefit to our communities by tracking community needs and identifying unmet needs.
September 11, 2001, showed a need for community preparedness and reliable information source in time of a local or national emergency. This lead to a 2003 bi-partisan effort by Senators Hilary Clinton and Elizabeth Dole to encourage a national move to make information easily accessible through 2-1-1 call centers.
First Call for Information has been available in the Marshfield area since 1981. Throughout the years it’s been growing with community needs and the transition to 2-1-1 was the next logical step for the program to continue expanding to serve the community. A listserv for professionals, civic and social organization is now available to alert users of news and material that are available. To sign up, email 211resources@uwfirstcall.org or call 2-1-1.
So the next time you’re wondering about the hours of the senior center or looking for more information about childcare—pick up the telephone and dial 2-1-1.
With the support of Marshfield Area United Way, United Way of South Wood County United Way, Black River Country United Way, Heart of Wisconsin United Way, Adams County, Saint Joseph’s Ministry Health Care Fund, 2-1-1 is available for you to get or give help.