Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Holm's To Be First Family To Lead United Way Campaign This Fall

Traditionally, Marshfield Area United Way selects two volunteers as Campaign Drive Chairs to help bring awareness to and to help steer the annual fundraising campaign. This year, things will be a bit different. United Way is thrilled to announce the very first family that will be leading the community fundraising campaign this coming Fall. Jay and Jill Holm, and their three children, will take the lead as the United Way Campaign Drive Chairs for 2016.

Jay, born in Green Bay and raised in The Woodlands TX before moving to Marshfield in 2005, and Jill, a farm girl born and raised in Auburndale Wisconsin, are the proud parents of the three children, McKenzie (age 9), Max (age 7), and Madden(age 4). Jay and Jill are also the owners/operators of  RiverEdge Golf Course and Banquet Facility. Since purchasing RiverEdge in 2009, the two have worked side-by-side in an effort to provide a multitude of services to the local community.

The Holm’s feel honored to have their family be the Drive Chairs for the United Way Campaign. “Reflecting upon the impressive list of past Drive Chairs that’s filled with so many community leaders and influential role models, it’s humbling that we would even be considered for such an important position for the 2016 Campaign,” said Jay. “We truly appreciate the opportunity to represent United Way and the community as a whole.”

Jay and Jill look forward to bringing awareness to needs in the community to a different generation. When asked about their goals as Campaign Drive Chairs Jill said, “As a young family with kids in the school system it’s hard not to notice what appears to be a decline in community needs awareness, among our age group. We feel, for future society leadership, that it’s imperative for our youth to understand that we as adults have a responsibility to give back to our community and help where you can. We understand that not everyone is in a position to donate financially, but everyone can do something whether that means giving resources, donating their time or helping bring awareness to needs in the community.”

As the owners of a facility that hosts some of the area’s most prestigious charity events and banquets, Jay and Jill have noticed that the younger age group makes up only a small percentage of a large majority of people who are committed to and participate in supporting these community organizations. The Holm’s want to see that change. Jay said, “It would be our position that this needs to be addressed sooner rather than later to ensure the longevity of all the great organizations in our community.”

Please join Jay and Jill and their children this Fall by participating in the United Way campaign. For more information about Marshfield Area United Way’s work in the community and to find out how you can become involved, please visit www.marshfieldareaunitedway.org.

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